These things happened.
Enemy was a DIY performance space and sound gallery in the Wicker Park neighborhood of Chicago that hosted numerous performances, workshops, and events between 2005 and 2012. This site is an archive of that time.
Enemy was:
Jason Soliday (2005-2012)
Eric Leonardson (2005-2012)
Geoff Guy (2006-2009)
Brent Gutzeit (2007-2012)
Ryan Dunn (2010-2012)
Omar Gonzales (2011)
We're slowly uploading, updating, and linking to archival audio, video, and images from everything that happened at Enemy. If you have something to contribute, please drop us a line at info[at]enemysound[dot]com.
Much of the information on this site was originally compiled for a chapbook entitled
Enemy 1550 N MILWAUKEE AVE THIRD FL., 2012-2005, edited by Amelia Ishmael and Jason Soliday, and published by Holon in 2016. Printed copies may still be available from Sector 2337
Everyone involved with Enemy is still out there actively involved in creating and promoting weird sounds and visuals. Links to some of their current activities can be found here.
Ben Syverson took the Enemy panorama above. The photo on our front page is a live shot of Jon Mueller performing at Enemy in 2011, shot by J.Soliday.
This site would not exist without the hard work, research, encouragement, and friendship of Amelia Ishmael. She's pretty amazing, and we can't thank her enough.